Candidate for Antigonish Sheila Sears
Sheila has always been drawn to helping her community. With over 30 years of experience as a nurse, she dedicated her career to promoting public health in marginalized and rural communities. For over a decade, she served in various roles for the Guysborough Antigonish Strait Health Authority and the Eastern Zone, including Manager of Primary Health Care and later Director of Public Health. Her leadership and commitment to healthcare extended to her role as a dedicated board member of Nova Scotia Health until it was dissolved by the Houston government in 2021.
After her son was born in 2003, Sheila moved to Antigonish and developed a passion for giving back to the community. Through her volunteer work, she is committed to making the riding of Antigonish a better place for seniors to grow old and young families to start their lives. As an active volunteer for more than 20 years, she has contributed to numerous organizations, including the school breakfast program, Kids First, the Antigonish Regional Development Authority, the local Chamber of Commerce, and Children’s Place Day Care. In 2015, Sheila co-founded SAFE: Syria Antigonish Families Embrace to help dozens of refugee families lay down roots in Antigonish.
As a healthcare professional, giving back is Sheila’s nature. As MLA, she pledges to addressing crucial issues that have been neglected under the current government such as rural healthcare, affordable housing, and rising poverty rates. On Team Churchill, Sheila is committed to making life more affordable with practical solutions, like cutting the HST and making more affordable housing options available for all Nova Scotians.