June 25, 2024
One year after the Houston government announced four schools in Tory ridings, families continue to wait for four much-needed schools in HRM.
Far too many schools in HRM are overcrowded due to aging infrastructure and a recent surge in population growth. In West Bedford, where the population is growing as fast as any other area of HRM, new schools that have been open for less than a year are already operating at 150 per cent capacity and have resorted to modular classrooms to cope with the steady increase. Bedford South is just one of many ridings in HRM eager for a new school.
“Despite the government’s own capital plan citing significant population growth as a reason for new schools to be built in HRM, they have been silent on locations for new schools,” said Bedford South MLA Braedon Clark. “We’re seeing rapid population growth across HRM and urgently need new schools to accommodate our students, teachers, and families.”
Premier Houston is committed to a goal of doubling the population, but ensuring there’s adequate infrastructure seems to be an afterthought. Due to the government’s poor planning, residents of HRM have been waiting one year for schools that are crucial to their communities.
“Schools across HRM are bursting at the seams, yet the Houston government has not even provided a timeline for when new schools with be built,” said Opposition Leader Zach Churchill. “The Premier can’t talk about doubling the population unless he’s prepared to build the infrastructure necessary to keep pace with that goal. At this rate, HRM will need more than just four schools, and they will need them sooner rather than later.”