NS Liberal Platform Released • Explore our platformTim Houston is all promise, no progress. • Check his progress

NS Liberals Commit to Strengthening Enforcement and Support for Commercial Fisheries

A Nova Scotia Liberal government would commit to protecting the province’s commercial fisheries by addressing illegal fishing head-on, streamlining government support, and ensuring there are resources needed to keep Nova Scotia’s lobster fishery thriving.

“The lobster industry is a major economic driver in Nova Scotia, and its success is essential to providing affordability measures to Nova Scotians,” said Liberal Leader Zach Churchill. “We’re ready to act, with a zero-tolerance policy that will revoke licenses for repeat offenders and guarantee penalties for those who break the law. Protecting our fisheries protects our communities in Southwest Nova Scotia.”

To protect the fishing industry in Nova Scotia, the Liberals will commit to:

  • Establishing a Royal Commission on illegal fishing: Politics must be taken out of the illegal fishing issue. Both DFO and the provincial government have proven they are unable to work together, so an independent commission is needed to find a solution.
  • Re-introducing a no-tolerance policy for purchasing illegal lobster: The rules need to be clear: anyone buying or selling illegal lobster should face real consequences. We will establish a zero-tolerance policy that will revoke licenses for repeat offenders and guarantee penalties for those who break the law.
  • Introducing a minimum fine for purchasing illegal lobster: Thanks to our advocacy, there is a maximum fine of $1 million for illegal fishing, but clearly more needs to be done. We will establish a minimum fine to ensure that everybody who is buying illegal lobsters pays for putting the industry at risk.
  • Creating a dedicated commercial fisheries office: We will create a new office dedicated to supporting the industry and working with federal partners to better understand the industry’s needs and represent Nova Scotia’s fisheries at the federal level.
  • Creating a dedicated fisheries enforcement unit: Enforcement officers need to have the resources and focus necessary to protect our vital industry. We’ll ensure that these officers are focused on protecting our fisheries by bringing them under the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and giving them the resources they need.

“Our rural communities depend on our commercial fisheries, and they need to have a government that is committed to defending them,” said Clare Candidate Ronnie LeBlanc. “With a Premier from Southwest Nova Scotia, fishers can count on dedicated support to keep our fisheries safe and sustainable, with officers focused on protecting this vital industry.”

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